She Says She’s Solo Polyamorous – What Does That Mean?

So, you’ve met a woman you really like. You’ve had some good conversations and you asked her out on a date. She says yes, and you have a great time. But there’s one thing – she says she is solo polyamorous. What does that even mean? Don’t be afraid. Solo polyamory is not a bad… Continue reading She Says She’s Solo Polyamorous – What Does That Mean?

So Your Partner Wants To Explore Polyamory – What Does That Even Mean?

Polyamory is a relationship style you may have heard a lot about lately. It’s in the media, there are reality shows about it, and it’s showing up a lot on social media. What Does The Word “Polyamorous” Mean? The word is made up of English and Latin. Poly means “many” and amor means “love.” Together, it means many loves.… Continue reading So Your Partner Wants To Explore Polyamory – What Does That Even Mean?