Is Ethical Non-Monogamy Just For Younger People?

If you trust the media, it would be very easy to believe that ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is only for the younger generations. Whether it is articles in magazines, television, streaming networks, or movies, the various forms of ENM seem to only show younger people in their twenties. They might be in their early thirties. You… Continue reading Is Ethical Non-Monogamy Just For Younger People?

She Says She’s Solo Polyamorous – What Does That Mean?

So, you’ve met a woman you really like. You’ve had some good conversations and you asked her out on a date. She says yes, and you have a great time. But there’s one thing – she says she is solo polyamorous. What does that even mean? Don’t be afraid. Solo polyamory is not a bad… Continue reading She Says She’s Solo Polyamorous – What Does That Mean?

What Is Unicorn Hunting and Why Is It Considered Unethical?

If you have begun to explore the world of polyamory or ethical non-monogamy (ENM) you may have heard people talk about unicorn hunting. Usually, when you hear people talk about unicorn hunters, it is with a negative tone.  But what is unicorn hunting? Why is it usually a bad thing? And is there any way… Continue reading What Is Unicorn Hunting and Why Is It Considered Unethical?

Is An Open Relationship Right For You? Here’s How To Know

An open relationship is not for everyone but monogamy is not right for everyone either. Every individual and everyone in a committed relationship should have the right to choose for themselves. Although there are many types of open relationships, it is generally defined as a couple in a committed partnership who decides that they want… Continue reading Is An Open Relationship Right For You? Here’s How To Know

Is Non-Monogamy Just Cheating? Here’s How To Tell The Difference

Imagine this.  You’ve met someone, either through friends or a common activity or through a dating app. You’ve seen them socially once or twice and the two of you get along great. Then, they ask you out on a date. Of course, you agree, because it’s not often that you meet someone you vibe with… Continue reading Is Non-Monogamy Just Cheating? Here’s How To Tell The Difference

So Your Partner Wants To Explore Polyamory – What Does That Even Mean?

Polyamory is a relationship style you may have heard a lot about lately. It’s in the media, there are reality shows about it, and it’s showing up a lot on social media. What Does The Word “Polyamorous” Mean? The word is made up of English and Latin. Poly means “many” and amor means “love.” Together, it means many loves.… Continue reading So Your Partner Wants To Explore Polyamory – What Does That Even Mean?