What Is With Women And Their Attraction To Tall Men

We’ve all seen those couples – tall men with the most beautiful women who look at them with complete adoration. What is up with that (ya, that’s a pun!)? Sometimes the men these beautiful women are with aren’t even very good looking. They are just tall. The question is, why? What is it about tall… Continue reading What Is With Women And Their Attraction To Tall Men

Think You Can Handle a MILF? Here’s What You Need To Know!

A lot of men joke about dating MILFs. Even more men are serious about it and it’s their ultimate fantasy. The MILF has become a sort of urban legend that every young man dreams about. But do you know what you’re getting into? There are a lot of misconceptions about MILFs. These myths are sometimes… Continue reading Think You Can Handle a MILF? Here’s What You Need To Know!

Don’t Date A Woman With These Red Flags

Women talk about the red flags they see in men all the time. There’s a good reason for that. A lot of men are just out to mess with women and women get hurt in the process. But men can get hurt, too. If you’re looking for a woman you can date and enjoy a… Continue reading Don’t Date A Woman With These Red Flags

What Does A MILF Want In A Man?

The MILF is the holy grail for a lot of men. Men who seek out MILFs, either for life partners or for sex partners, might think that it is no big deal to score a MILF but they’d be wrong. A MILF (also known as a Mom I’d Like to Fuck) has high standards. If… Continue reading What Does A MILF Want In A Man?

8 Signs You Might Be Dating A Fuckboy

So, you’ve been dating this guy for a while and something just doesn’t seem right. There’s nothing specifically that you’ve been able to say is wrong, but it seems like every other day you’re crying because of something he did or didn’t do.  When you talk to him about it, he makes you feel like… Continue reading 8 Signs You Might Be Dating A Fuckboy

20 Ways To Turn A Woman On

Turn A Woman On

Women aren’t like men. They don’t get turned on by thinking about sex. They need more than that. So much more! Of course, every woman is different. Turn-ons vary greatly so if you want to turn a woman on you’re going to have to do one thing from the beginning. Get to know her. There… Continue reading 20 Ways To Turn A Woman On

How To Make A Guy Want You In His Life More

Don’t you hate it when you meet someone you like and you have a few dates and then he just…disappears? You think it’s going great and you’re hoping he might be the one but apparently, he thinks something is missing. What does it take to get a guy to want you in his life for… Continue reading How To Make A Guy Want You In His Life More