5 Things That Go Through A Woman’s Mind After You Have Sex With Her

Men and women do not think about sex the same way. For most men, sex is very much a physical act but for women it’s emotional. When you have sex with a woman, you need to know what is going through her mind. If you know what is going through a woman’s mind after you’ve… Continue reading 5 Things That Go Through A Woman’s Mind After You Have Sex With Her

Why Playing Hard To Get Doesn’t Work With Women Anymore

Men who wanted to get lots of women or even get one specific woman used to rely on the technique of playing hard to get. They would show interest and then purposefully not call right away after she gave him her number. They would deliberately not answer her texts, even if they had time. This… Continue reading Why Playing Hard To Get Doesn’t Work With Women Anymore

Your Jealous Girlfriend: Why She Turns Into A Green-Eyed Monster and How To Slay It

You’ve all had a jealous girlfriend at some point. She flips out if you look at another girl. When you’re busy, she expects you to pay attention to her. Basically, she wants all of you, all the time. Your relationship doesn’t have to end because you’ve got a jealous girlfriend though. You just need to… Continue reading Your Jealous Girlfriend: Why She Turns Into A Green-Eyed Monster and How To Slay It

5 Of The Most Important Things Every Woman Wants In A Man

Every woman is unique and will have her own needs. That means here expectations from a man are also unique. There will be a lot of diversity in requirements that women have for a boyfriend or a husband or even a friend with benefits. However, there are some things that every woman wants from a… Continue reading 5 Of The Most Important Things Every Woman Wants In A Man

What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Blushing And How To Make Her Blush More

We’ve all seen a woman blush and when she does it’s the most amazing thing to look at, isn’t it? When a girl is blushing she seems more youthful. She’s more appealing and more attractive to every man in the room. But why? What does it mean when a girl is blushing and why are… Continue reading What Does It Mean When A Girl Is Blushing And How To Make Her Blush More

20 Ways To Know She’s Totally Into You Even If She Doesn’t Say It

20 Ways To Know She’s Totally Into You Even If She Doesn’t Say It Sometimes it’s hard to tell if a girl really likes you if she doesn’t come right out and say it. Remember that she has a lot to lose, too. If she puts it all out on the line to tell you… Continue reading 20 Ways To Know She’s Totally Into You Even If She Doesn’t Say It

Here’s Why Your Girl Gets Moody And What You Can Do To Help

Here is the truth: women can get pretty moody. Sometimes there is a really good reason for it. Other times, there might not be a reason. Or it doesn’t seem like there’s any logic behind her moods. The truth is, there’s always some reason, but you might not be able to figure it out, and… Continue reading Here’s Why Your Girl Gets Moody And What You Can Do To Help

What Is With Women And Their Attraction To Tall Men

We’ve all seen those couples – tall men with the most beautiful women who look at them with complete adoration. What is up with that (ya, that’s a pun!)? Sometimes the men these beautiful women are with aren’t even very good looking. They are just tall. The question is, why? What is it about tall… Continue reading What Is With Women And Their Attraction To Tall Men

Watch For These Signs Your Girlfriend Is Lying To You

If your girlfriend is lying to you, you may not even know it at first. Liars are very good at hiding their misconceptions. They don’t want you to know they are lying so they work hard at deceiving. Of course, if your girlfriend is lying to you, you’d want to know about it, right? Why… Continue reading Watch For These Signs Your Girlfriend Is Lying To You

Think You Can Handle a MILF? Here’s What You Need To Know!

A lot of men joke about dating MILFs. Even more men are serious about it and it’s their ultimate fantasy. The MILF has become a sort of urban legend that every young man dreams about. But do you know what you’re getting into? There are a lot of misconceptions about MILFs. These myths are sometimes… Continue reading Think You Can Handle a MILF? Here’s What You Need To Know!